Axios Travel organizes daily bus transportation from Belgrade and Niš to Thessaloniki.

Departures for Thessaloniki from the bus station in Belgrade are every day at 19:00 (platform number 61), from Niš at 22:00 (platform number 10), while departures from Thessaloniki to Serbia are at 17.00 every day.

The departure time of the bus is fixed, and the arrivals at the stations may vary depending on the delay at the border crossings.

Van rental

The travel agency AXIOS TRAVEL offers its users the possibility of renting a van or minibus with a driver.

These are passenger vans, small buses (vehicles up to 20 commercial seats) and buses with high tourist traffic (50 to 65 seats).

Whether it’s smaller groups renting passenger vans, or larger groups needing a minibus or bus.

  • You choose the departure and arrival times
  • You choose the route you will take arbitrarily
  • You take breaks when it suits you

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